Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Walk with him.

It's not easy being a wife and a mother. But here are some words I live by:

"Genesis 3 tells us that it was not good for man to be alone. He was, in a sense, incomplete and lonely. He needed a companion, a friend. Your husband needs to know that you will walk with him, hand in hand, through illnesses and job losses, through failure and disappointment. But on the flip side you must also work at having fun within your marriage; to laugh a lot and to show interest in the things your spouse enjoys (Prov. 17:17), to be silly, to remember the fun you had when you first started dating or at various times in your marriage. Your place is to be his friend. HIS BEST FRIEND!"

Speak life into him!

Words by the First Lady of our church, my spiritual mom- Maile. Visit her blog at askmai.com ! There's so much insightful information and tips you can find, no matter what season of life you are in! 

Photo credit: Our good friend Hanna Walker :)

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